Creating an instructor-led training course is similar to creating a Web-based training course, except that there are no files to upload.
On the Admin menu, select Training > Manage Courses.
The Manage Courses screen appears. In the upper right-hand corner, select the New Course button.
On the New Course Options screen, select either Instructor-led Training (In-person) or Instructor-led Training (Virtual). Selecting in-person or virtual will set the Class to default to that type when creating new classes. You can still set classes to either virtual or instructor-led, regardless of the setting selected here when creating the course.
For this example, Instructor-led Training (in-person) is selected. The Course Properties screen appears, with the General tab displaying. In the Course Name field, add the name of the new course and then complete the other fields as needed.
Select the Settings tab. Here you can select a default Location and the default number of Seats Available and Minimum Seats. These are default settings and any information here can still be changed when creating Classes. When finished entering information, select the Save button.
A notification that Your data has been saved will appear. In order to make the course accessible to learners, it will need to be published to a Catalog. Select the Publish button. Publishing to a Catalog and Mapping to a Catalog are the same process.
Locate the Catalog you with to Publish to and select the Publish button. Once published, the button changes to Unpublish. You can use this button to Unpublish the course. To reiterate, Publishing and Unpublishing are the same as Mapping and Unmapping.
The Course is now available to all users who have access to this Catalog, but before users can register, a Class will need to be created.