A user’s profile contains configuration information that works with other settings to determine the appearance of the home page, the functionality that the user can access, and the information that the user can view.
Some of the fields noted in the instructions below may not be visible or may not be functional as they depend on your own profile, System Role settings, and the general configuration of your site.
Also, if users are automatically added and updated in the system via an automated import, daily update process, or some other means, every option listed here may not apply to your implementation.
To edit a User:
On the Admin menu, select Users > Edit Users.
Search for and select the user.
General Tab:
- Email Address or Username – Performance requires the user to have either a unique email address or username.
- Salutation – Mr., Mrs., etc. can be selected here. (Optional)
- First Name – The user’s first name.
- Middle Name – The user’s middle name. (Optional)
- Last Name – The user’s last name.
- Password & Confirm Password – The password must be at least eight characters and should include a combination of upper and lowercase letters, special characters, and one or more numbers. (Not applicable if using Single Sign On or other alternative login methods)
- Must Reset Password – Select this check box if you want to force the user to change their password on their first logon. (Not applicable if using Single Sign On or other alternative login methods)
- Time Zone – Select the user’s time zone.
- Locale – Locale refers to the language in which the user will work. Some implementations use multiple languages.
Use the Save button to save any changes. Any changes made to a user are automatically saved to the Audit Report. To add any custom notes to the report, use the Save with Note button and add info in the Audit Notes field. This information will appear in the Audit Report. To access the Audit Report, select the button in the upper-right corner of the page.
Status Tab:
- Member Status – The Member Status list is used in cases where user access to Performance must be approved. For example, some sites permit a user to self-register, which necessitates a security administrator responsible for reviewing and approving pending new user requests. This may not apply to your implementation.
- Active – The Active check box indicates if a user has access to Performance. The default status is checked, indicating that the user can log in. Uncheck the checkbox to make a user’s account inactive. They will remain a user in the system and will not be able to log in or access the site.
- Deleted – Check his box and select the Save button to delete a user. Not recommended, it is best practice to deactivate users rather than delete.
Settings Tab:
- System Role – For a typical user, leave this as Default Role, although others can be selected when appropriate.
- Manager – Select the Search button and select the user’s direct manager.
- Job Role – Select the user’s Job Role.
- Focus Area – Leave Focus Area at None.
- Associated Account – Accounts can be set up to facilitate billing, with each user being assigned to a specific account. The default is None.
- User Type – This is a custom field, may not be applicable to your instance.
- Hire Date – The date the user was hired.
- External – Indicates whether the user is an external or guest type user.
- Track Hits – The Track Hits check box provides data for statistical information on user activity on Performance.
- Instructor – The Instructor check box indicates if the user can be selected as an instructor type resource for an instructor-led training (ILT) course.
Metadata Tab:
This tab is customized on a per-client basis. If it is available on your implementation of Performance, then it contains fields specific to your organization
Affiliations Tab:
This tab displays what Organizations the user belongs to and what Organizations they manage.
- Campus Memberships – What campus the user is directly mapped to. This will likely be None, as most mappings are handled through organizations
- Inherited Campuses – What campus access the user is inheriting through assigned organizations
- Campus Candidacy – What campus the user is a candidate for. This is not widely used.
- Organization Memberships:
- Primary Organization(s) – The user’s primary organization
- Secondary Organization(s) – The user’s secondary organizations
- Inherited Organization(s) – Any organizations the user is inheriting by being assigned to their primary or secondary organizations
- Organization Candidacy – What organizations the user is a candidate for. This is not widely used.
- Managed Organizations – What organizations the user manages
- Administered Organizations – What organizations the user administers. This is not widely used.