How to add and manage users as an administrator

This article is for administrators who manage users in the administration console.  If you are an organization (dealer, distributor, supplier, etc.) administrator, please see the document on adding and editing users as an organization administrator


Users in Performance Center are only visible to Campus administrators when the user is mapped to the campus or is a campus candidate.  In most configurations you will have one or more organization structures mapped to your campus.  Mapping a user to any organization in that structure allows the user access to the campus through inheritance.  


User properties can be enabled and disabled during the initial Campus configuration.  Your view of the user profile may differ from this document.

Access the admin menu.  Click on the option to Add User or Edit a User


Adding a user

Click the Add user button to add a new user to the system.  This will open the New User Profile editor.

General Tab


Only fields with an asterisk are required.  Tabs that are disabled become active once you save the user for the first time.  Roll over the labels to get a brief description of each field.

Note! The email address is the username by default; however, a configuration option allows for different username values.  Please contact the help desk team for more information on this setting.

Status Tab


The Member Status can be one of the following options:

Approval Pending

When registration approval is enabled, this holds the registration notification until  a manager approves the user.

When registration approval is not used, this is equivalent to making a user active.

Approval Denied

When registration approval is enabled, this denies the user's registration and makes the user inactive.

When registration approval is not used, this is equivalent to making a user inactive.

Approval Granted

When registration approval is enabled, this approves the user's registration and makes the user active.  Optionally an email notification can be sent when this status is changed.

When registration approval is not used, this is equivalent to making a user inactive.

Guest access only This is a legacy feature that will be deprecated in an upcoming release. Do not use this status.

Settings Tab


This is a commonly configured page in the administration.  Some of the fields shown on the image above may be missed or required on your system.  

Save the user and then continue to complete the remaining tabs

Meta-Data Tab

The meta-data tab is different for every customer.

Affiliations Tab

The affiliations tab allows you to affiliate the user with a Primary organization and secondary organizations.   You can also affiliate the user as a manager or administrator of an organization.

Everyone should have one Primary organization.  In most scenarios, the user gains campus access through their organization.  It is recommended that a person not be affiliated directly with a campus. 

If a person does not gain campus access through their organization, be sure to designate the user as a campus candidate.  Otherwise, you will lose visibility to the user once you leave the user properties.

Managed Organizations

Managed Organizations designate one or more organizations the user can view.  When selecting an organization, you can also set "Allow Inheritance".  This allows the user to manage the selected organization as well as all children organizations below it.

An organization manager can view and report on users who are members of organizations they manage.

Administered Organizations

Administered organizations designate one or more organizations the user can administer.  An organization administrator can add, edit and remove members from their organization. 

Applications Tab

The applications tab allow granular control over third-party applications the user has access to.

Contacts Tab

The Contacts Tab allows you to specify the user's Home, Business and Shipping address information.  Phone, Mobile Phone, Fax, email, website, etc. can be identified with each location.

Programs Tab

The Programs Tab allows you to specify each Program the user is participating in.