Managing Equivalents

It's common to offer learners a choice of courses as prerequisites. For example, before taking an advanced course, a learner must complete one of several introductory courses. These introductory courses can be considered "equivalents" of one another

To add an equivalent to a course:

On the Admin menu, select Training > Manage Courses. 


The Manage Courses screen appears. Use the Catalog & Type dropdown menus, the Show Inactive toggle, and the Search box to narrow your results. Select the View button next to the course.  

The Course Properties screen appears. If in Simple view, select the Advanced View button. 

Select the Equivalents tab and then select the Create New Equivalent button. 

The Equivalent option appears. Use the Equivalency Type dropdown to choose between Course or Curriculum. Search for and select a course or curriculum and select the Save Equivalent button. 



To remove an Equivalent, select the trash can icon to the right of the equivalents list and confirm.