A certification or curriculum needs to be added to a catalog for the it to be available to users with catalog access.
This article references mapping a single Certification or Curriculum to a Catalog. To map multiple items at once, reference the instructions in the Manage Catalogs section. To map or publish a certification from the certification itself, follow the instructions below.
To map or publish a certification from Manage Certifications, rather than Manage Catalogs, navigate to Training > Manage Certifications or Training > Manage Curricula. This example will focus on a Certification, but the process is the same for both.
You can Publish directly from the Manage Certifications page. Using the dropdown menu on the View button, select Publish.
The Publish Certification screen appears. Locate the Catalog you with to Publish to and select the Publish button. Once published, the button changes to Unpublish. You can use this button to Unpublish the course. To reiterate, Publishing and Unpublishing are the same as Mapping and Unmapping.
If you are editing a Certification from Certification Properties screen, the Publish option is available here as well.