15.8 Release Notes (June 1, 2022)

Performance Center Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Significant slowness when the button to "View Classes" is selected (138505)
  • Blended Learning: Percentage breakdown on Manage Grading page isn't correct (138442) - The percentage calculation was not correct when one of the blended learning items for a class was still locked.  
  • Set primary org when admins create users in the Manage Organization widget (139636) - When creating a user on the campus using the Manage Organization tools, the admin's chosen team organization will be set as the new user's primary org.
  • Add support for ecommerce purchases where the total discount is 100% - This feature allows a course that is set up for purchase to have a 100% discount and still create a purchase record.

New Features

  • Add Course Name to Manage Instructors "In Use" list - Historically the "in use" option for instructors showed the class code they were teaching, but not the course name, making it difficult to locate the class in question.