Creating a Goal Template

Goal Templates can be assigned to a user or group of users’ Learning Plan. This can be done manually, but are more commonly used to assign training automatically.

They provide a means for managers and administrators to automate the assignment of goals to users based on job role, organization membership and other attributes. 

To Create a Goal Template:

Depending on site configuration, buttons and links may be in other areas, but typically there will be a Manage Learning console. Located within that console will be an option to manage Goal Templates.  

The Manage Goal Templates page appears. There are groups of templates: My Templates, Shared Templates, and Templates owned by others. Use the Mapped To dropdown menus and Search field to narrow the results. Select the New Goal button to create a new goal. 


The Goal Properties page appears. 

  • Enter a Name. Enter a Description if necessary. 
  • User the Access dropdown to determine who else can use the goal. Owners only, Other Managers, or Other Managers and Users
  • Use the checkboxes to determine who can edit and remove the goal from their Learning Plan. 

Goals can be automatically assigned to a user’s development plan by using one of the following criteria: 

  • Job Associations – This is based on their job role as defined in the user's profile. 
  • Organization – You can pick individual organizations or a part of the hierarchy to specify the users who should get the goal. 
  • Audience Types – This allows members of custom audience types to have goals automatically assigned. 
  • Courses – When a user successfully completes the course,  the goal will be auto assigned to their development plan.
  • Custom assignment options may also be available depending on the configuration of your Performance instance. 

Use the Add buttons and the Auto Apply checkbox to automatically add any Job, Audience Type, or Organization Associations. There can be more than one of each assignment. This is not a real-time assignment; rather a process that runs nightly.  

Auto Apply will check overnight for anyone who meets the criteria and assign the goal to the user. 

Auto Remove will check overnight and remove the goal from the user’s plan when they no longer meet the criteria. 

For example, there is a Customer Service Training goal set to auto apply to anyone with a Customer Service job role. A user with this job role will automatically be assigned the goal. This user gets promoted and their job role is now Customer Service Manager. The Customer Service Training goal will be removed from their plan. 

With all fields completed and associations selected, select the Save button. 

The newly saved Goal is currently empty. Activities can now be added. This is covered under "Adding Activities to a Goal Template"