Creating a Web-Based Training (WBT) Course by Uploading a Course Package

This is the method used in creating a new Web-based training (WBT) course. The “course package,” must adhere to one of the above course standards. A course package can also sometimes be referred to as a zipped course.

On the Admin menu, select Training > Manage Courses. 

On the Manage Courses screen, select the New Course button in the upper right-hand corner. 

On the New Course Options screen, select Standards-based WBT Package (SCORM, AICC, xAPI). 


The Create a WBT Course screen appears. Select Please select the course package to upload. 

Select the Browse button. 

Locate the course package on the local drive and select it, then Select the Upload button. 

It may take some time to upload. When complete, select the Continue button. 

On the Course Properties screen, enter any additional course info such as Keywords, Description, Learning Objectives, etc. You will need to Publish the Course to a Catalog so learners can access. Select the Publish button. Publishing and Mapping are the same process. 

Locate the Catalog you with to Publish to and select the Publish button. Once published, the button changes to Unpublish. You can use this button to Unpublish the course. To reiterate, Publishing and Unpublishing are the same as Mapping and Unmapping. This course is now available to all Users that have access to this Catalog