Manage Training Content Files

How to manage content that is linked to courses, classes, and events.

Access the Training Content under Training > Manage Training Content

The Manage Training Content tool allows you to do the following

  • Delete content - Select any content you wish to delete by checking the box to the left of the content.  Click the delete button.
  • Disable content - You can disable content individually by clicking on the action dropdown menu.  You can also disable multiple items by selecting them and using the Disable button.  
  • In Use - Click on the checkmark in the "In Use" column to see where the content is being used.
  • Unlink Content - You can unlink the content object from all places where it is used by clicking the "Unlink All" option under Actions.
  • View Content - Clicking the "View" action will allow you to review the content settings, including the created and updated information. You can also update the actual content in this area so that any class, event, or course that has the linked content will be updated.