Manually assign a Learning/Development Plan Goal to either Direct Reports or Managed Organizations.
Goals and Goal Templates can be set to automatically mapped and applied to learners based on a number of criteria; Job Role, Organization, etc., but there may be instances where a Goal needs to be manually applied to a group of users. This article will describe that process.
Navigate to, and select Team Development Plans. The location of this link may vary depending on the setup, but it's typically located under Manage or Manage Learning or another similar page.
The Selected Teams window appears. Use the radio buttons to select either Direct Reports or Organization Members. This example is using Organization Members. When using Organizations Members, use the Organization dropdown to select the Organization.
The Include Sub-organizations checkbox is selected by default and will include any organizations that fall under the selected Organization. To select a specific Sub-organization, use the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a sub-org.
With the proper orgs chosen, select the Done button.
The Manage Team Development Plans screen appears. The team selected is based on the organizations selected on the previous page. To change this selection, use the My Team button in the upper-right.
With the correct team selected, select Apply a Development Plan Goal.
Select Select a Goal.
The Learning Goals window appears. Use the search and filter options to narrow the selection and select the Select button to choose the Goal Template.
Use the Calendar icon to select a Seed Date. The Seed Date determines the calendar dates for the Start Dates and Completion Dates. The number of Start Days and Duration are determined by the Activities within the Goal Template. With the Seed Date chosen, select the Select Goal button.
Use the Apply updates to all eligible team members checkbox to select all eligible members...
Or choose Select Members to only choose specific team members, not all eligible users.
When using Select Members, the Select Learners screen appears. Use the checkboxes to choose learners. With learners chosen, select the Add Selected Users button.
The users are added to the Cart. This allows multiple searches between adding users to the cart. If necessary, perform additional searches and add any other users to the cart. When all users are added, select the Done button.
The Select Learner window closes and the Apply Updates option appears. Scroll down if it is not yet visible. Confirm all options; the team, actions, and members. If everything is in order, select the Apply Updates button.
Success! Receive the notification Team Action applied successfully. The Goal has been applied to the selected team members.