Uploading A Video

How to upload a video to the Video Library

The Video Library can be accessed from the Admin Menu, select Content > Manage Videos.

Alternatively, there may be a link to the Video Library on the Main Menu

The Video Library screen appears. Select the New Video button:

The Upload A Video screen appears. Please note the message: 

Note: the upload controls are only available when the title, description, and category have been set.
Enter a Title and Description. then select the magnifying glass button to select a Category.
The Select Category screen appears. Select one or more Categories. With the proper Categories chosen, select the Close button.
The upload controls become available. Drag and drop the video here or browse for the video and upload it.
An upload progress bar appears. Depending on the size of the video and the internet connection speed, upload time may vary.
When fully uploaded, the Video Upload Complete screen appears. Note the message regarding video optimization, compression, and potential approval settings.
When the compression and optimization process is complete, if Video Approval settings are enabled, administrators will be notified that there is a new video for their review. If there are no approval settings, once the video is ready, it will be available for all users that have access to that Video Category.