This document describes how to create deep links in the Performance Center
Content Deep Links
When creating a deep link to content (pdf files, html pages, etc.), you must ensure that the display item you are creating the deep link for is active and permissions so that your audience will be able to view the display item content.
Steps to Create Content Deep Links
1. Expand the Content Groups menu in the campus administrator menu
Note: Content Groups vary by customer and will appear different in your center
2. Select the content group containing the content item you wish to provide a deep link
3. If the content item is based on date, click the sub-action menu and select View Deep Link
If the content item is hierarchical, click the item and select View Deep Link
4. Copy the deep link by clicking the External Link button
Content Deep Links Behavior
When a user clicks on the deep link for your content item, the system will check to see what locale the user has set in their profile. If there is a locale version of your asset that matches the user’s locale, it will return that locale version. If there is not a locale version of the asset, it will return the English version (or default language version) of the asset.
Training Deep Links
Deep links are available for the following training objects: Courses, Certifications, Curricula and Training Events. Deep Links are not available for Classes or General Events. When creating a deep link to a training object you must ensure that the training object is active and is mapped to a catalog that your audience has access to.
Steps to Create Training Deep Links
- Go to the Admin for your campus/center
- Open up the Training section of the admin
- Select the training object you wish to deep link
- For example Courses
- Search for and select a training object
- Click the Deep link button located at the top of the properties page
You may now copy the deep link for use in emails or outside websites.
Course Deep link Behavior
Course deep links follow the following best match logic:
- If you are in progress on a course, you will be taken to the version of the course you are in
progress on. For example, if you have started and have not completed a course in Chinese, you
will see the Chinese locale version of the course even if your locale is set to English. - If you are not in progress on the course and there is an active course language version of the
course that matches your locale, you will be taken to the active version of the course that
matches your locale. For example, if your locale is set to French and the course you are
deeplinking to has an English language version and a French language version, you will be taken
to the French version of the course. - If you are not in progress on the course and there is no course language version of the course
that matches your locale, it will return the English version of the course if the English version is
active.* For example, if your locale is set to German and the course you are deeplinking to does
not have a German language version of the course, you will be taken to the English version of
the course (if your campus allows it).
*The default language is English. In addition, the majority of our clients have set their campus so that if
there is no locale version of a course or asset, it will show the default language version.