Catalog Restriction & Content Access

Create a Learning Pathway for specific Groups using Tortal's simple, yet powerful Content Restriction settings

Need a path to material that only a select group or individual should need to see? System Administrators can use the Content Restriction Tools to keep Users seeing only what they need to.  This article will explain how to use the different methods of Catalog Access to create Learning Pipelines to keep your content properly focused and shared. 

Quick Links

  1. How to Restrict a Catalog

  2. How to Share Access to a Restricted Catalog

How to Restrict a Catalog

A restricted Catalog can only be viewed by Accounts with Access. To make a Catalog Restricted use the Restricted Catalogs Tool

Find it through one of these 2 paths. 

1. Select Restricted Catalog Tools

Admin >> Course Catalog >> Select Restricted Catalogs


-- OR ---

2. Edit Course Catalog Tools

Admin >> Course Catalog >> Layout Course Catalog Tree


Select a Catalog >> Edit a Catalog

Click "Restrict Catalog"mceclip5.png


How to Share Access to a Restricted Catalog

5 methods can determine catalog access (from most general to most specific) 

1. Unrestricted Catalog

Everyone can see it.

2. Permissions

Admin >> Users >> Manage Permissions for a User

  • System Admin Permissions will allow all Catalogs to be seen.
  • mceclip0.png 

3. Group Catalog Access

Admin >> Groups >> Assign Catalog Access for a Group 

Accounts gain access to a restricted catalog by being a member of an assigned Group.

4. Group Administrator Catalog Access

Admin >> Groups >. Change Catalog Access for Group Administrators.

ALL Group Administrators have access to a set of catalogs, regardless of their assigned group management permissions/

5. Individual User Access

Admin >> Users >> Change Catalog Access for a User

Allows a single account access to any Restricted catalog - regardless of Account Permissions