This article will outline the details of the Learning Journey feature and provide links to more detailed "how to" resources for Admins.
What is a Learning Journey
This feature concept will allow you to:
- save time managing enrollments
- improve content engagement
- reduce user confusion
- and more.
Learning Journey Management
This section will outline the tools used to build, configure, and assign your Learning Journeys.
Learning Journey Home Page
- Learning Journey List
- All journeys will appear on this page.
- All journeys will appear on this page.
Create a new Learning Journey
- Easily add a new Learning Journey to you LMS content.
- Read more about how here - How to Create a Learning Journey
- Learning Journey Details
- Learning Journey tools Quick Links provide fast access to different parts of the Learning Journey.
- Learning Journey tools Quick Links provide fast access to different parts of the Learning Journey.
- Delete a Learning Journey.
- Mark a Learning Journey as "Retired". It will be removed from all User & Admin, and future Enrollments but all records will stay intact.
- Mark a Learning Journey as "Retired". It will be removed from all User & Admin, and future Enrollments but all records will stay intact.
Learning Journey Admin Page
Learning Journey Details
Update your Learning Journey's details with these tools. Read more here - How to Update a Learning Journey's Details
- Learning Journey Title
Learning Journey Description
Learning Journey Objectives
Add a Cover Image
Journey Options
Use these options to configure the experience of your Learning Journey.- Disable Learning Journey
- This setting Removes the Learning Journey from view in the Training Catalog, and Enrollment Listings.
- An inactive Learning journey can still be managed by Admins with permissions.
Force Course Completion Order
Enforces Playlist order. Excellent for Prework, Legal, or Intro Courses.
Last Course Locked
Locks Last Course from being attempted until all others are "Complete". Excellent for recap or exam Courses.
Disable Journey Self Enrollment
Disable Journey Self Enrollment for Journeys attached to Catalogs.
- Assign a Subject Matter Expert (SME)
- You can assign an existing LMS account, or an external resource.
- You can assign an existing LMS account, or an external resource.
- Disable Learning Journey
Journey Courses
This tool allows you to easily select and Organize your Learning Journey Course list.-
Course Management
Search for Courses
Filtered by Administrator Course Access. Searchable by Keyword
Add / Remove Courses
Easy update - Double click to add. Drag & Drop to reorder. Double click to remove.
All changes are logged for auditing.
Enrollment Options & Management
This List allows for manual Enrollment and basic Reporting on Learning Journey Progress.-
How to Enroll a User in a Learning journey
Admin Enrollment
Enroll Users by using the Enroll Users button on the Journey Enrollments page.
Enrollment Retire options available.
Learners can Enroll in a Journey from the Journey Information page, accessible from Catalogs where it is attached.
Self-Enrollment for a Learning Journey can be disabled.
- Reporting Tool
- Searchable, Exportable table with Learning Journey progress and statuses displayed for easy access.
- Edit a Learning Journey Due Date
- Delete / Retire a Learning Journey for a User.
Learning Journey Enrollments
How to Journey Enrollments work?
As a Learner Enrolls in a Learning Journey by any of the above methods, the following happens:
A Journey Enrollment record is created allowing:
The Learner to see their progress on the Learning Journey information page.
Learning Journey Progress is shown on the Learning Journey Enrollment table.
A listing for the Enrollment will appear on the Learner's Learning Journey Enrollment Listing, on the My Information page.
- These can have a status of Enrolled. Completed, Overdue, or Expired.
How does Course Progress Inheritance work?
If a Learner is not enrolled in a Learning Journey, they will still be able to see any progress or completions they have made for Courses within that Journey.
Once Enrolled, on their visit to the Journey Information page new Course Enrollments will be created for each Course in the Journey.
This excludes Courses which have been completed within 6 months of the Journey Enrollment.
Courses completed more than 6 months ago will receive a new Enrollment.
This is a Setting which can be updated by Tortal.
How does Course Completion work?
Clicking on the Course Link will take the User to the Course page where they can launch and complete the Lessons in the Course, in the current way.
After completing a Course, Learners can return to the Learning Journey Information page to see their updated Journey progress.
- Any Course Enrollments accessed through a Learning Journey, are not accessible to re-enroll in.
Learning Journey Completion
Once all Courses attached to that Journey have been completed, the Learning Journey will have been completed.
An updated Status of “Completed” will show on the Journey Enrollment Table.
Completed Journeys will move to the “Completed” Tab of the User’s Journey Enrollment Listing My Information Page.
Completed Journeys and Courses will remain accessible for the duration of the Course Expiration setting for the LMS.
- If a User re-enrolls in a Learning Journey, a new record will be created.