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  2. User & User Groups Management

User Groups Overview

Performance allows users to be grouped in multiple ways.

To control access to resources and information, Performance relies on user groups. A user who is assigned to a particular user group shares permissions with other members of the group. User groups are not the only means by which access is granted to parts of Performance; they are an important component in the sophisticated system that manages accessibility. The user group names are Campus (called Centers in some implementations), Audience Types, Organizations, and Jobs. 

User groups can be defined in a variety of ways depending on the nature of a Performance implementation. For example, audience types may refer to dealers in different regions, countries or states, while organizations may refer to parts of the enterprise as defined by geography, such as Sales Northeast, Sales Southeast, Sales Central, and so on. Jobs generally refers to career classifications such as technical, sales, management, and executive. These provide the ability to divide the enterprise into manageable groups that share something in common so that they may be served in a specific way.