View and Configure a Reporting Dashboard

Many reporting chart-style dashboards are available. These dashboards have multiple filter options, and each element can be drilled down to get raw data and numbers in spreadsheet format.

There are various types of dashboards with different filter types, but the general functionality remains the same across all Reporting Dashboards; charts with selectable sections and filters. 

To view and configure a Reporting Dashboard:

Locate your reporting dashboard links. In this case, from Main Menu, select Analytics > Dashboards > Reporting Dashboard. These are also available in the admin menu under Analytics.


The Report Dashboard appears. In this example, the Course Activity Dashboard. Select the Filters button to expand the filter menu. 

With the Filters menu expanded, use the Pencil/Edit icons to edit each filter. Switch between Direct Reports and Managed Organizations. Select the Apply button under each filter to apply changes or use the Apply All button at the top. 

After selecting Apply All, the dashboard is updated in real time. The Filters button is updated to indicate that filters are being applied. In this example, every section of each donut chart, and each bar chart is a clickable element. Select Not Started for example. 

A new tab opens with a traditional tabular view. Note that filters are still being applied. Select the Filters button on this screen to edit filters and apply them to this view. Export options are located at the bottom of the report. Close the tab to return to the dashboard.